3/21/21 FAA Sample Part 107 Exam

Can You Pass the New FAA UAG Sample Test?

How confident are you that you can pass the FAA §107 UAG exam?

The FAA released a revised Sample Questions for UAG 3/21/21.  Some of the questions are “recycled” from the previous sample tests, and there are some new questions.  One question uses different numbers than last time… See if you can find it.

But you won’t find any new questions about Night Operations; for some reason they didn’t include that topic.  However, we should probably assume that at least one or two Night Operations questions will appear on the official exams for UAG and UGR (recurrent).
If you would like to see how you would do on the newest sample test, you can try it out here.

The online recurrent exam and study material was expected to be posted at FAAsafety.gov today, but at last check it was still “not yet posted”.  A Recreational Test is also expected but has not appeared so far.