Dates for Remote ID and other changes
….Delayed to April 6 and April 21
The March 1,2021 effective date for the amendments to §§ 107.61, 107.63, 107.65, 107.73, and 107.74 in the final rule published at 86 FR 4314 (January 15, 2021), which was delayed at 86 FR11623 (February 26, 2021), is further delayed to April 6, 2021. The March 16, 2021 effective date of the final rule published at 86 FR 4314 (January 15, 2021) is delayed to April 21, 2021
“FAA is also delaying the effective date of the remote identification final rule. Additionally, as a result of the delay in the effective dates, several corrections are necessary. Some of the compliance dates for § 107.29(a)(1) and (d) regarding the operation of a small unmanned aircraft system at night must be corrected so that they do not precede the new effective date. Similarly, a correction to § 107.65(d) regarding the timing of passing the recurrent aeronautical knowledge test or satisfying training requirements must also be made to conform to the delayed effective date. ”
“FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dorie Resnik, Aerospace Engineer, Boston ACO Branch, FAA, 1200 District Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803; phone: 781–238–7693; fax: 781–238–7199; email: dorie.resnik@faa.gov.”
Remote ID rule-2021-04882
Ops Over People Rule-2021-04881
Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft; Delay of effective and compliance date; correction (PDF)
Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People; Delay of effective date; Withdrawal; Correction (PDF)