Lights in the Sky?
For the past few years, the news and social media have been filled with reports of bright lights in the sky! What could it mean? Are we being invaded? The most recent images being posted are of blurry blobs of light hovering overhead. What could they be?
Is it possible that cell phone cameras can’t handle high contrast scenes, such as a bright light against a dark or black background? Even a professional camera requires careful adjustment in poor (dark) lighting. Owning a good camera does not make somebody a good photographer. Cell phones make good pictures, but they are not real cameras.
The reports have been increasing in recent years, going back to 2021.What happened in 2021?
Starting in 2021, the FAA allowed current Part 107 certified operators to fly their drones after sunset without special permission. The only requirement for Night Operations was that the drone (UAV) had to be equipped with a top navigation light VISIBLE FOR THREE MILES to alert other aircraft of its position. The drones were still required to remain below 400 feet over the ground. Why fly at night? Most likely for infrared photography for search and rescue or for inspection of solar cell farms.
What a coincidenc!
What also happened after 2021? More and more drones were sold. More and more of them began flying at night with bright lights, and more and more people started seeing bright lights in the sky. And all those blurry, out of focus images started showing up on social media.
“It didn’t make a sound!” they said. Drones are noisy, but not when they are two or three miles away.
“It hovered and then it flew off!” they said. Of course it did. Batteries run down and the drone has to come down to land.
Are some of the sightings really just planes or stars or planets? Of course they are. Might some be actual UFOs? Maybe, but the vast majority (let’s make it 99.9%) can be accounted for and identified. Rumors and hysteria will continue until they find something else to worry about.
But what about the sightings of a “drone as big as a car” discovered in “broad daylight”? Stop for a moment and search “flying car” in Google or YouTube or your favorite Ai. Yes, the first vehicles have been certified by the FAA for both road and air travel, and more are on the way. Even Tesla is getting in the act. Yes, what they saw was as big as a car because it most likely WAS a flying car.
Are there any aliens flying around out there? If there are, their technology would certainly be good enough to avoid being seen. But what about the reports by pilots? Well, that might be something to pay attention to.
It has been long predicted that something about the alien presence will be revealed in 2025. Break out the tin foil hats and stand by for further announcements.