Tricky question about the recurrent exam…
I received this question:
I am a private pilot and at the time had a current flight review, so I did the online test and had an examiner sign off. That was almost 2 years ago. My remote pilots cert is still current (expires mar. 12), but I do not meet the currency requirements right now to do the online recurrency test. I am pretty sure I need to take the Unmanned General Recurrent UGR test, but I just wanted to confirm before I scheduled the test and start preparing for it. Thanks for your help.
How would you answer this question? For a private pilot to become current would likely cost more than the $150 for the recurrent drone exam (discount for AOPA members). Under Part §107.65, the PRI examiner will ask for the printout of the score from the previous exam (§
107.65 sub c). But unless this person thought to make a screen print of the online UAS exam, she won’t have that.
How does she solve this problem?
I contacted the FAA Help Desk by phone (844 322 6948). Here is the answer:
If this person has an IACRA login, she could log into IACRA and look for “Start new application” in the right side menu. Next, select: Pilot, Remote Pilot, Recurrent and complete the form. She would then contact PRI to schedule the recurrent test at a local testing facility. At the testing center, she would provide the FTN number and driver’s license as proof of ID in order to take the Recurrent drone exam.
The FTN is a number assigned to you by the FAA that stays with you throughout the course of your aviation career. Your FTN is assigned to you by the FAA after you complete your registration in IACRA or will already exist if you have a previous airman certificate.
If you don’t have your FTN from IACRA, you should start that process by registering at https://IACRA.FAA.GOV. If you have any problems with that site, just contact the UAS Help Desk at UAShelp@faa.gov or call 844-FLY-MY-UA or 644-359-6982