Night Operations added to the UAG §107 Remote Pilot Course
We’ve added a new section to the FAA §107 UAG Remote Pilot course, including 17 additional minutes of video and 10 quiz questions.
The FAA is expected to announce the expected revision to both the initial UAG exam as well as the UGR recurrent drone exam almost any day. Actually, it was supposed to have happened already. The UGR recurrent exam and training will be provided by the FAA on the FAAsafety.gov web site, at no cost. Those wishing to pas the initial exam will still need to do that in person but there will be several new “Trust” providers, including Embry-Riddle.
Anyone who enrolled in the UAG 107 course can log back in and go to section 12 -B to find the new videos and quiz.
Also, if you purchased the e-book version of my Study Guide, you can delete the copy you have and download the revised version at no charge. This is true all the e-book versions purchased from Kindle, Smashwords, iTunes and the others. The print textbook version is expected to be available for order from Barns & Noble in the next few days as it completes the review process.