PSI Practice Exams for UGR and UAG
Practice exams for the FAA Part 107 drone certification (UAG) and recurrent exams are now available online from the FAA testing service, PSI..
The UAG practice test contains 40 questions and the allotted timed test is 1.5 hours.
The UGR practice test contains 24 questions and the allotted timed test is 1.25 hours
The practice exams can be found at faa.psiexams.com/faa/login
When completed, your results will be sent to the email address that you provide.
The practice test questions are to be used as a study guide, and are not necessarily actual test questions. Although you can take the practice test as many times as you desire, it is recommended you allow enough time to complete this practice test in one sitting and free of distractions.
Once you start the practice test questions, you will not be able to resume and return to the questions where you left off if you close your browser. If you decide to stop with the practice test questions you should exit and submit your answers so that you will receive an online feedback report as well as having the feedback reports emailed to you.
The FAA testing system is supported by a series of supplement publications. These publications include the graphics, legends, and maps that are needed to successfully respond to certain test questions. The FAA-CT-8080-2H, Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement for Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, Remote Pilot, and Private Pilot has the supplemental graphics necessary to assist in answering any question on a UAG exam referring to a figure. It is available at faa.gov/training_testing/testing/supplements/media/sport_rec_private_akts.pdf
The RECURRENT (UGR) exam will be offered ONLINE starting in March, 2021.
PSI/TrueTalentEnterprise is the testing agency for the FAA and other Federal agencies. The exam cost at an exam center is $150. AOPA members may receive a $10 member discount. If you test at one of the PSI-owned testing center, the cost may be less. https://faa.psiexams.com/faa/login or call for assistance at 844.704.1487
The full exam for Part §107 (UAG) must be taken at an examination center and contains 60 questions and the allotted timed test is 2.0 hours. You can locate an examination center at the same web site. Applicants for the initial UAG exam must meet these requirements (PDF)
You may be eligible to take an FAA exam at no cost to you at one of these locations if you are: an active-duty, guard, or reserve member of the U.S. Military; a dependent of an active-duty, guard, or reserve member of the U.S. Military; a U.S. Military retiree; or a Department of Defense or Department of Homeland Security civilian. Exams are available with no fee at Joint Service Aviation Maintenance Technician Certification Council (JSAMTCC) Airman Knowledge Testing (AKT) Program locations.
If you have questions about the FAA exams, you can find contact points at The Drone Zone web site. (DroneZone.FAA.gov)